Managing a family business is difficult enough when the founding generation is still alive. When the founders pass, however, the legal, business and family issues become much more complex because the adult decision makers that everyone relied upon, respected, and listened to, are gone. The children of Robert Smith – Mary, Josh and Matthew – …Read more
Starting a business can be the first step in a thrilling adventure, one that you have perhaps dreamed of for years. But as you start your venture you’re mildly terrified of the outcome. When launching a new business, budding entrepreneurs can hardly slow down long enough to do the bare minimum of forming the proper …Read more
Just as the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) completes its version 1.0 National Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, California Attorney General Kamala Harris has made clear she intends a leadership role for California. With the just published guide entitled “Cybersecurity in the Golden State: How California Businesses Can …Read more