If your company has a website that allows users to post any kind of content, you may be at risk for copyright infringement under U.S. copyright law if any of the content is not original to the party posting it. With most companies now leveraging multiple social media platforms, in addition to their traditional websites, …Read more
If your business creates software or simply uses it to perform work – let’s face it, what business doesn’t use software in one way or another – we encourage you to take note of a recent ruling made by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The case – Design Data Corp. v. …Read more
If you’re an aspiring artist, make sure you get written approval to use any of the artwork or photography included in your work or in its promotion. If you act in concert with a promoter or record company to wrongfully use another person’s work, and benefit financially from those activities, you may be liable for …Read more