When a corporate entity files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the assets are liquidated in its entirety, there is an order of priority in which creditors and third parties will have the right to their claim. Creditors with Secured Debt If the creditors are owed secured debt, that is, debt that is secured by assets …Read more
Most types of debt can be discharged in bankruptcy but some types of debt cannot, for example, tax debt, student loans, child support and debt incurred through fraud. Tax Debt Most tax debt incurred within three years of the Bankruptcy filing will not be discharged, nor will taxes owed for payroll taxes or other forms …Read more
Generally, if a publicly traded company files for bankruptcy, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will become more involved in the process. As a general matter, few public companies file Chapter 7 but may file for a reorganization. However, the SEC imposes additional reporting requirements as opposed to a privately held company. If the public …Read more
In order to effectively determine what the appropriate bankruptcy avenue should be for a given individual or entity, multiple steps should be considered. Where did the debt come from? The first question is to determine what caused the individual or corporation to accumulate the amount of debt owed. For example, an entity may have a …Read more
In the case of the bankruptcy of my business and the payment of creditors, is it better to liquidate the assets or default on creditor lawsuits? If given the choice, it is preferable to liquidate the assets yourself if you maintain control of them. Often, debtors may ask the bank to liquidate the assets which …Read more
The main difference between Chapter 11 and Chapter 13 is that a Chapter 13 bankruptcy requires that the debtor pay his or her debts within five years. On the other hand, Chapter 11 allows the filer to extend the five-year period unlike Chapter 13. Another difference is how much the Debtor has to pay creditors. …Read more
There are several types of bankruptcies available to businesses (and individuals) depending on the circumstances and goals of the company’s owners. Chapter 13 Bankruptcies One of the most common types of bankruptcy is Chapter 13. Chapter 13 applies to individuals and sole proprietorships and is generally designed to adjust debt for individuals who also have …Read more
All technology companies and their investors start with great enthusiasm. Why else would you start a tech company? But in the life cycle of some companies, the enthusiasm – and the money – disappears before the company has achieved its goals and positioned itself for an attractive sale or IPO. In these instances, as the …Read more
In the face of insurmountable debt you have made the decision to declare bankruptcy. It should be a knockout blow. But, fully comprehending the mistakes made in managing debt, you have decided to get up again and pull your company through the crisis. Make certain you have in your corner, a lawyer seasoned in bankruptcy …Read more
Let one truth drive your search for legal counsel in your company’s bankruptcy: the more complex the case the more crucial the need for an attorney steeped in bankruptcy law. Let’s call that rule #1 – hire an attorney with a proven track record in bankruptcy law. Rule #2? read Rule #1. It may be …Read more