In the face of insurmountable debt you have made the decision to declare bankruptcy. It should be a knockout blow. But, fully comprehending the mistakes made in managing debt, you have decided to get up again and pull your company through the crisis. Make certain you have in your corner, a lawyer seasoned in bankruptcy …Read more
Let one truth drive your search for legal counsel in your company’s bankruptcy: the more complex the case the more crucial the need for an attorney steeped in bankruptcy law. Let’s call that rule #1 – hire an attorney with a proven track record in bankruptcy law. Rule #2? read Rule #1. It may be …Read more
You have been pulled into the quagmire of someone else’s bankruptcy. Your priority is to recover what you can, working within the legal framework of the bankruptcy process. The process is designed to be fair to creditors. Use it fully and carefully to recapture what you can. Along the way you will encounter obstacles. One …Read more
One of the first things you as a creditor should do when you receive notice that a customer has filed bankruptcy is to file a proof of claim. The Proof of Claim form (Official Form 10) often accompanies the notice of the commencement of the case, and can also be found at the Court’s website. …Read more
Rare is the case where a business owner or an individual doesn’t know s/he’s in trouble and that filing for bankruptcy is an option. All too many people ignore the signs and wait until the last minute when the IRS is knocking on the door about to shut the business down, or the bank is …Read more
This is the second in a series of posts, where we will look at various options for the creditor in a bankruptcy case. These are just designed to let you know what remedies might be available to you. Regardless of what type of bankruptcy was filed, you must immediately cease any and all collection efforts …Read more