On August 13, 2020, the Delaware Court of Chancery issued an opinion in JUUL Labs, Inc. v. Grove, holding that a stockholder could not use Section 1601 of the California Corporations Code to inspect the books and records of a Delaware corporation because the “internal affairs doctrine” dictated that Delaware law must apply. The case arose when Daniel …Read more
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) can be tricky transactions that frequently entail delicate negotiations between buyer and seller. The negotiations must be choreographed in minute detail to ensure the transaction closes in a timely manner and is a success for both parties. The parties will, after all, be living with one another after the deal is …Read more
We are often contacted by clients who want to block registration of a competitor’s trademark because it’s too similar to their own. In some cases, the method we use to accomplish the client’s objective is to file a letter of protest with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) on behalf of the client. These …Read more