Tax Issues to Consider When Forming a California LLC
Tips for Preparing Your Business for Tax Season Next Year
Tax Treatment of Equity Compensation
Tax Issues to Consider When Forming a California Partnership
Previous posts have discussed the many factors entrepreneurs should consider when forming and organizing a new business enterprise. One of those factors is whether the business is initially expected to generate profits or losses and the tax consequences of those profits and losses on the founders and other investors. The tax consequences of the profits …Read more
Tax Considerations for California S Corporations
Last weeks blogs discussed tax considerations of C-Corps. This week’s blog discusses some similar tax considerations of S-Corps, which is a form of flow through entity for tax purposes. The net income of an S corporation is not taxable at the corporate level. Instead, it flows through to the individual shareholders. The shareholder is taxed …Read more
Tax Considerations for California Corporations
Previous posts have discussed the many factors entrepreneurs should consider when forming and organizing a new business enterprise. Of all those factors, three issues are particularly important when selecting the form of business entity for your new venture: (1) Who will be the owner of the business; (2) how will the earnings of the business …Read more
What Taxes to Pay First
When your cash flow is inadequate to pay all your business taxes, which ones should you pay first? Your business is faced with a number of different types of taxes and government fees (which certainly feel like taxes). Some of the types that could apply to your business are personal property taxes on your equipment …Read more