Sometimes when a small company conducts business with a larger company, the respective bargaining power of each party is not equal. The larger company almost always has the small company over a barrel. That’s never the case when Finkel Law Group represents your company in litigation with a larger, well-funded adversary. Our firm recently helped …Read more
The residential mortgage foreclosure crisis continues to grind onward across California resulting in the eviction of thousands of Californians from their homes. Even as numerous banks, including the largest in the United States, have paid billions of dollars in fines and penalties for their unlawful actions, they relentlessly pursue unlawful foreclosures and evictions from the …Read more
The most important tool for a construction company or contractor is your written contract. Good solid construction contracts are the foundation for a positive experience for both you and your customers. It establishes a relationship with your customers and builds their confidence in you and your company. More importantly, a comprehensive and well written customer …Read more
The ability of a plaintiff to bring false advertising claims and concerns over unfair competition under federal trademark law just got a bit easier. On March 25, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its opinion in Lexmark International v. Static Control Components, ruling that Static Control may proceed with its false advertising counterclaim against Lexmark under …Read more
Over the years we have had clients from time to time question the time and effort it takes our attorneys to prepare a clear, enforceable contract. Some of them belittle the provisions as nothing more than “boilerplate” that they could have found searching legal form on the Internet. Not only does it take quite a …Read more
Unfortunately, it is not unusual for the owners of a privately held business – whether it be partners of a partnership, members of a limited liability company, or shareholders of a corporation – to become embroiled in conflict over management of the company. This management-investor conflict can, at best, cause substantial disruptions to the operation …Read more
A typical business startup usually begins modestly and all is friendly among those involved. For example, two doctors, or two software engineers, might combine their efforts to form one or more medical groups (or software development companies) and find it advantageous to incorporate. Each doctor/engineer contributes an equal amount of capital toward, and each receives …Read more
Finkel Law Group recently represented several shareholders of a privately held commodities trading firm in a contentious buy out of departing shareholders who demanded several million dollars for their stake in the company. As a result of the firm’s efforts, the departing shareholders ended up with one-third of their original demand. A critical factor in …Read more
As a business owner, you don’t want to get involved in unpleasant business disputes. However, sometimes these situations are unavoidable. A litigator with trial experience can best assist businesses through the dispute process, which may involve negotiation or mediation but could also lead to a lawsuit and prolonged litigation. Trial attorneys best understand the process …Read more