Most tenants who have just signed a lease are looking to the future. They understand their obligation to pay rent and expenses and expect that during the term of the lease they will have continued access to the premises for the period of time covered by the lease. Often, they will be improving the premises …Read more
Congratulations. Accelerating sales have driven your young company toward an important crossroad. You need more space. You have found a commercial location that satisfies all your requirements and now you are getting ready to sign a lease. Remember to plan ahead so you can negotiate a tenant improvement allowance that will satisfy your needs. Here …Read more
From one vantage point, a business is only a business when it has “agreements” in place that govern its relationships with other parties: agreements with clients to deliver goods or services in exchange for compensation agreements with vendors to pay for products and services agreements with employees, financiers, landlords, insurers, etc. You get the idea. …Read more
In a recent matter we were engaged by a commercial property owner to resolve an issue with one of her tenants. Our client owns an office building on a main street with an attached small warehouse. At the time, the warehouse space was being used as a commercial bakery by one of the town’s well …Read more